Monday, November 26, 2007

November PCAGOE challenge

I got very excited about this month's Polymer Clay Artists Guild of Etsy challenge. The challenge was to use the technique called mokume gane. I had never done this technique or even heard of it before. Here's a bit of trusty ol' wikipedia info about the technique.

As applied to polymer clay, basically you make a block of several layers of clay (and sometimes other materials like gold leaf), make holes and/or indentations in it, fill the holes with more clay, squish the whole thing around to promote random swirliness, let it sit for a bit, and then cut it into thin slices to cover a project.

In my case the project was this matching set of a photo frame and light switch cover. To make this clay "upholstery" I used polymer clay in black, pearl white and various shades of aqua, blue and green. I added a bit of metallic powder, and I even filled some of the holes in the original cube with a completed cane. Then I sliced the cube carefully and laid the pieces onto another thin piece of clay, rolled the whole thing smooth and carefully used pieces of it to cover my frame and switch cover. Both pieces have a smooth, shimmerry matte finish. This set is currently for sale at my etsy shop.

This technique is so much fun. I love randomness, so you can imagine how much I enjoyed cutting the slices and seeing the different pattern it made each time. So fabulous.

Here's the best part - you can go to our guild website:, and vote for your favorite November mokume gane entry. You can vote from now until Wednesday, 11/28 at midnight. All you have to do is choose your favorite entry from a drop-down list and you are automatically entered into a random drawing to win a prize of a whole collection of polymer clay goodies handmade by the polymer clay artists of etsy. One of the prizes is a magnetic bud vase made by me!

Thanks for reading, and thanks for voting!

(Since I'm so excited about this one, this blog entry is being cross-posted to several places. Sorry if you're one of those people who gets it twice.)

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